Take the Time to See if You are Eligible for VA Disability Compensation

If you were injured or became seriously ill while serving in the military, you may be eligible for VA disability compensation. In 2017, eligible veterans can receive up to $3,458 per month tax-free, depending on the level of disability and number of dependents.
According to the VA’s website, disability compensation is paid to veterans who are at least 10% disabled because of injuries or diseases that were incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. A disability can apply to physical conditions, such as a chronic knee condition, as well as mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Medical evidence connecting your current disability to an event during military service is required, but in some circumstances, the VA may conclude that a disability was caused by service, even if there is no specific evidence for your claim. For example, the cause of a disability is presumed for veterans who:
- are former POWs;
- have chronic/tropical diseases that become evident within a specific period of time after discharge;
- were exposed to ionizing radiation, mustard gas or Lewisite while in service; * were exposed to certain herbicides, such as by serving in Vietnam; and * served in Southwest Asia during the Gulf War.
The amount of any benefit is determined on a case-by-case basis and is graduated, on a scale of 10% to 100%, according to the degree of the disability. The amount may also be adjusted if you have a secondary disability related to the circumstances of the first, and if you have dependents. The amount may be adjusted if you receive military retirement pay, disability severance pay, or separation incentive payments.
Disability insurance is only one benefit available to veterans. Veterans and certain members of their families may also be entitled to pension benefits, home loan guarantees, life insurance, burial benefits and assistance with the cost of long-term care. Long-term care needs are met through home- and community-based services and certain facilities, including adult daycare, home-based primary care, skilled home healthcare, assisted living facilities, adult family homes and nursing homes.
The conditions to qualify for each benefit varies. Claims can be submitted online, in person at a regional VA office, or through an accredited agent or representative like an attorney At Estate & Elder Law Services, we take special pride in assisting veterans in pursuing benefits and helping them determine whether they qualify for services and programs available in their area.
Content courtesy of ElderCounsel, LLC
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